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Our Mission

 My name is Alexa and I started making freeze-dried candies as Christmas gifts and soon realize that everyone loved it so I decided to start making candy as a small business. The candy is made in a harvest right freeze dryer which is a process that first freezes the item then a vacuum chamber turns on slowly heating it up removing all moisture. I’m leaving us with a nice puffy treat!

Personal Bio

 My name is Alexandria Rhodes and I am the accountant, photographer, company baker, Social media manager, proud small business owner and so much more! I enjoy every part of running my own business.

Each previous job has helped me grow differently and I’m grateful for every opportunity that lead me to open Space Snacks. When I left my position as a relationship banker to become a stay-at-home mom I knew I wanted to open a small business. After two failed businesses Space Snacks was a big hit I was finally able to sit on the other side of an account opening and I opened my small business officially on August 22, 2022. I have seen the highs and lows of running my own business but nothing is better than the pride I get from saying hello to my customers in town and being known as the “freeze-dried candy lady”

Of course, nothing would be possible without the support of my family. Especially my husband for giving me the credit card and believing in my new best business idea ever!

I hope that when you try Space Snacks a smile comes to your face, you laugh with your friends, and have an everlasting memory!

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